Expert Tips to Eliminate Mosquitoes and Reclaim Your Outdoor Living
As mosquitoes become a widespread nuisance around the world, they undoubtedly impact you and your family. Whether it’s been on your own property or elsewhere, everyone has felt the effects of mosquitoes.
This Mosquito Control Guide gives practical advice for those who don’t dare step out into their yard because of the swarms of mosquitoes that always seem to be waiting for them.
In it, you’ll find expert tips on how to create effective barriers around your home and your loved ones—barriers that help keep mosquitoes at bay.
When you need to provide relief for your family from this menace, there are a variety of strategies out there. We’ll be breaking down the whats and hows of mosquito control in this guide:
- How and where mosquitoes breed
- What steps you, or a professional, can take to eliminate their breeding grounds on your property
- How to disrupt their breeding cycle to help reduce their population around your home
This means near ponds or any standing water. It could also mean near groups of people or animals—really anything that breathes out CO2.
This also means around your home and property.

You may wish to control your local
mosquito population
for any of these reasons:

A mosquito’s proboscis is the needle-nosed feature we’re all familiar with when thinking about these bugs. This mouthpart is thin enough to slip into our skin unnoticed as the insect feeds.
It’s a little misleading, but the bite is not actually the painful part when a mosquito bites you. The painful part is your reaction to the cocktail of saliva that mosquitoes pump into you.
Your body reacts to these foreign chemicals like any invader— by producing histamines
Histamines are a part of the body’s immune response and frequently lead to allergic reactions we’re all familiar with:

Those with an allergy to something in the mosquito’s bite may experience:
of itching
bite site

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These make mosquitoes one of the deadliest animals on the planet. Mosquito-borne diseases around the world account for over 700,000 human deaths per year — malaria accounting for 600,000 of that number.
Governments and medical professionals and alike recommend we take precautions when it comes to mosquito exposure.

People with asthma may experience worse outcomes. Even if you apply bug spray carefully, you may still experience itchy hives as a reaction if you’re allergic.
These cautions apply to natural remedies like plant extracts found in essential oils just as much as industrial-grade pesticides.
It is important to know as much as you can when determining the right mosquito control solution for you.

After indulging in a bloodmeal, female mosquitoes are attracted to dark places to hide and digest their meal. So, they tend to rest on people wearing darker colors.