Mosquitoes are everywhere all over the world, but that doesn’t mean we all know them inside and out.
It’s easy for old wives’ tales and anecdotes to trickle into our understanding of mosquitoes. This is mostly harmless, but some can lead to us making assumptions about mosquito solutions that won’t end up paying off.
In truth, each mosquito myth has a trace of truth. That’s kind of the reason why so many of them stick. They make sense sometimes, even if they aren’t based on facts or reality.
These assumptions have the risk of costing time and money when you invest in solutions based on bad information. Before you jump into your own mosquito elimination strategy, make sure you have the right information.
Myth 1: Mosquitoes are Attracted to Specific Colors
Myth 1: Mosquitoes are Attracted to Specific Colors
This comes from a few angles. Many people claim that fair-skinned individuals experience more mosquito bites. Others claim that wearing dark clothes attracts mosquito swarms more frequently and lighter clothes avoid mosquitoes.
The fair-skinned myth is purely anecdotal. No studies have found that various skin colors do or do not attract more mosquitoes or receive more bites. However, the histamine reaction of a mosquito bite results in a bumpy, blotchy red spot. This may make it easier to notice more bites on someone with fairer skin where the contrast is more distinct.
The clothing one, strictly speaking, is not untrue. However, the myth is still false. Dark clothes DO actually attract mosquitoes, but not for their color. Dark clothes absorb and retain heat. Mosquitoes are on the hunt for warm bodies. The more heat, the more likely they’ll land on a host.
Dark clothes and their heat absorption also cause people to sweat more. This releases lactic acid—another indicator of a live body—which mosquitoes pick up on.
This is a great example of a myth that results in mistaken solutions. Wearing light clothes won’t keep you from being bitten. After all, you’ll still radiate body heat and you’ll still sweat lactic acid. A fashion swap is an incorrect solution to the actual issue.
Myth 2: All Mosquitoes Bite Humans
Myth 2: All Mosquitoes Bite Humans
This myth comes from a place of association. We’re most familiar with the mosquitoes that bite us! Because of this, many consider any and all mosquitoes to be bloodsucking parasites. However, just like everything else on Planet Earth, there’s more to the story the closer you look.
There are over 3,500 different types of mosquitoes. Of those mosquito species, only about 6% bite humans. Of that 6%, only the females bite! That’s because mosquitoes don’t bite humans for food or sustenance for themselves.
Like so many insects, mosquitoes live on nectar from flowers. The females of that 6% of mosquito species require blood from living creatures for their eggs. Blood provides the protein and nutrients that nectar doesn’t.
Myth 3: Mosquitoes Can’t Breed Without a Lot of Water Around
Myth 3: Mosquitoes Can’t Breed Without a Lot of Water Around
This myth comes out of the stereotypical assumption of a mosquito’s natural habitat. The media portrays this all the time. Mosquitoes frequent movies like Indiana Jones when he travels to the Amazon. Swarms pester plenty of main characters in settings like the American Southeast like Florida or Louisiana.
Hollywood would have us believe it’s all about hot and humid.
The truth is that you can basically find a mosquito swarm nearly anywhere.
Warmer climates and wetter landscapes do make it easier for mosquitoes, but it doesn’t take much water at all for mosquitoes to breed. A mosquito needs about an inch of still water in a soda can. This is enough water for a female to lay up to 300 eggs at a time.
Look for any sort of water features in your neighborhood as well. Some species of mosquitoes can fly out as far as 7 miles from their original spawning pool! Any water will do.
Don’t Waste Time with the Myths—Fight the Mosquito
Mosquito Shield Professional Service
Using any of these myths as the basis for your mosquito elimination strategy could lead to a lot of wasted time and money. When you’re looking for an elimination or avoidance strategy, you want the best information available.
Mosquito Shield is a mosquito elimination service based on the mechanics and biological drivers of these pests.
We focus on the life cycle of mosquitoes and their habits. You don’t need to renovate your home to plant repellent flora or avoid all water features. Instead, our team of technicians helps you identify:
- Potential breeding sites
- Key entryways for insects around your home
- Repel mosquitoes away from your property
With our Mosquito and Tick Proprietary Blend, we have the tools and training to help. Our technicians spray your yard to kill current mosquitoes, deter breeding sites, and repel visiting swarms. Since the average mosquito life-cycle is about 2 weeks, we offer an affordable, reliable service that sprays on that timeline to make sure you’re always covered.
Don’t worry about the mosquito myths. Mosquito Shield is here with the mosquito facts. Call us today at 1-800-908-7076 or get a free quote to determine how a professional service can reduce exposure to your home all year long.