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Best Method to Mosquito Proof Your Yard

Posted on January 19, 2024

Your yard is unique and comes with unique mosquito problems.

Maybe you have water nearby. Perhaps there’s a lot of trees and greenery. Is there a massive garden?

Each of these scenarios causes adverse mosquito problems that would need to be handled differently. Unique yards require specialized mosquito treatment to be effective.

It can be difficult to pinpoint the best way to mosquito proof your yard because of this.

Luckily, there’s one sureproof method that will work for every yard, regardless of conditions.

Hire a professional that will not discount your unique yard and its unique needs.

Tailored Treatment Plans for Effective Mosquito Control

At Mosquito Shield, each property we service will have a tailored treatment plan.

Our expert technicians will come out to your property and develop that plan with you to ensure your goals and needs are met.

We Know Where and How to Spray

Our crew identifies plants, vegetables, and beneficial insects you want to keep around. We don’t treat around the foundation of your home unless there is vegetation there. Our spraying sessions maximize mosquito reduction with your yard in mind.

We Tailor Our Treatment For Your Location.

Our approach is unique in that our teams also take your location and weather into consideration when determining the spray schedule. We look to curb mosquito growth by following their breeding cycle.

This means it’s best to spray every 10-17 days, depending on the amount of rain, the moisture on your property, and outdoor temperatures. This goes on to create the vertical barrier around your house—your Mosquito Shield.

The vertical barrier is an established boundary, strengthened with each mosquito control visit. Each session is another break in the cycle, which further deters mosquitoes from breeding and gathering around your property.

Many of our competitors will simply blanket your entire yard with insecticides. They’ll come when it’s convenient and never think twice about your property when it’s done.

We care. We take pride in the success of our service. That’s why we offer personalized service for every yard.

You have to be careful who you hire to mosquito proof your yard.

Finding the Best Mosquito Control Available

The barometer for mosquito control quality is that you see fewer mosquitoes. That seems pretty simple.

But for how long? Spraying an insecticide on the lawn may kill these insects in the blast but fail to keep them out long-term.

If your professional team sprays to kill but fails to repel, you will still see mosquitoes. If your professional team sprays to repel but fails to kill, you will also still see mosquitoes. Trial and error with a professional team you do not know can get expensive.

Evaluating Mosquito Control Services

To learn as much as possible, here are a series of questions you can ask a prospective pest control company:

  • Is their service specific to mosquitoes, or is it more general pest control?
  • How long does a session take?
  • Do we have to leave our home during the treatment process?
  • How long before we can be outside in the yard?
  • What is the cost of mosquito control for the year?
  • How many sessions does it take to see results?

With these answers in hand, you’ll be able to compare professional services and make a sound decision for your family. However, that probably sounds like a lot of phone calls, a lot of research, and a lot of comparison.

You might not have that kind of time to interrogate every pest control service in your area.

Here’s what Mosquito Shield offers you:

Service specific to mosquitoes.

Our focus has been on mosquitoes from the beginning. The Mosquito and Tick Proprietary Blend that we use was created specifically to kill, mask, and repel mosquitoes from your property. That’s why it’s so effective.

We adjust our control products, proactive scheduling, and management strategies based on your location. This allows us to follow our 3-step process to rid your yard of mosquitoes:

  1. Eliminating existing mosquitoes
  2. Masking scents so mosquitoes can’t find you
  3. Establishing a vertical barrier around your property (which gets stronger with every application to repel the mosquitoes)

We combine knowledge and resources to provide you with the best mosquito barrier.

Convenient application process.

Each session takes approximately 10 minutes to apply, and 15 minutes to dry after application. You don’t have to be home during this time.

One session every 10-17 days. A short waiting period of 15 minutes. Zero restriction on playtime afterward. As we call it: “Spray Today. Play Today.”

Results within 48 hours.

Our blend kills mosquitoes on contact and creates a virtual barrier around your home. If you don’t see a drastic reduction of mosquitoes within 48 hours, we’ll respray and make it right.

If you’re still not satisfied, we have a money-back guarantee where you get a full refund within 7 days of beginning or a prorated refund afterward.

Budget-Friendly Cost System.

At Mosquito Shield, we don’t charge per spray.

Because we know mosquito populations vary and a fixed schedule doesn’t work, we charge per season so you can get the best mosquito barrier possible without paying extra for it.

Mosquito Proof Your Yard

Our services kill mosquitoes on contact, and we guarantee you’ll see a difference in the mosquito population around your home in as little as 24-48 hours. After that, every session continues to build up the strength of the barrier to improve results.

If you want a surefire solution, hire the professionals at Mosquito Shield.
You have the knowledge you need to reclaim your yard and rid it of mosquitoes, now is the time to act on it.
Good luck!

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